Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Here are some pics to show now but check back soon to view the video we will be posting soon. We hope you all had a SPOOKTACULAR HALLOWEEN!!!
Yes Halloween has come and gone and yes like always Jon did more than expected with this year it was on a Saturday night so Jon not only had a spook alley in the front yard and car port but opened it up to the back yard adding live actors and more props and displays as expected. Also we decieded to advertise it on the community Calandars with several news channels and handed out flyers to the kids school and classrooms. Then decided to to also host a food drive in the hopes that with admission being free, we could get people to donate to the "Utah Food Bank". It ran Friday and Saturday and it was a pretty good success, the turn out was impressive. We Collected about One Hundred pounds of food and Jon got to do what he love this holiday. Jon also made costumes for not only himself (an 8 foot Grim Reaper), but for kason (Flinstones Bam Bam) and Laurissa Transformers (Arcee). Alison was a vampire and sarah was a Mad Scientist.

Friday, September 18, 2009

It's Showtime!!!

Laurissa and Alison had yet another wonderful performance in “The Princess and the Pea” with the Missoula’s Children’s Theater. They each got a part and rehearsed for a week and performed that weekend. They did very well and it showed, they just love being on stage performing. Great Job Girls

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Good Eats!!

Our Summer B.B.Q. was yet another success, with this years menu we provided the meat and the guests brought the sides. This year, My Traditional Pork Ribs (12 racks), one 12 pound dry rubbed smoked Brisket and (2) Smoked salmon fillets. To Put it blunt TOO MUCH FOOD!! But boy it was good, plus with the games, bouncer, friends and Fireworks, it was a great time. We wish you were there.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our Beautiful Garden

My Garden did well this year with plenty of Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Tomatilios, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Honey Dew, Jalapeños, Banana Peppers, Bell Peppers, Celery, Artichokes, Red and Green Cabbage, Corn, Strawberries, Carrots, Butternut Squash, Yellow Squash, Zucchini and Cauliflower. Needless to say we ate well and had plenty of Salsa and Zucchini Relish from our garden. Then the herbs, Basil, Onion Chives, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Mint, Oregano, and Cilantro. It was a good year for our garden and we look forward to another next year..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

We want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July. We had a great time enjoyed good food and friends with fireworks. We spent time at the local park to enjoy the festivities and roll in the hay.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Well just see for yourself!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Yes our little girl is growing fast, just turning 8 yrs old and has decided to be baptised. she is growing so fast really enjoys gymnastics and playing on the bars.

We Love You Ali-Bear!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

This "IS" the Place..

On Friday Sarah took the family to "Utah's This is the Place Heritage Park" and had a good time both learning and playing.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Planes, Planes, Planes..

The whole family took a trip up to Hill Air Force Base on Saturday to enjoy the Air Show.

What a fun experience for the whole family, with all the static displays for the kids to see up close and go in to the amazing aerial displays in the sky. we had a great time in the beautiful weather and the kids will never forget it. This will definitely be an event we will have to experience again..

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Happy Birthday Kason"

Yes so on Thursday our little man turned 2yrs old and hopfull had a good birthday. With having a funfilled day with mom and then playing with dad at night, then don't forget the BBQ on Sunday with friends and family, we just can't see how he couldn't. We appreciate all those who were able to come out on Sunday and wish that those who are not near could have been there. In all we enjoyed his B-Day and made some good memories.

Here, see for yourself.

And check back soon, We will be adding a slide show to this in the next few days..

Monday, June 1, 2009

"Lemonade Anyone?"

Well this last weekend Laurissa decided to start her own business. She has been bugging dad for weeks now to help her make a lemonade stand and the day finally came. It is both mobile and well organized, she set off on her first day of business and made $6.00 in 3 hours and boy was she excited. She looks forward to the additions and modifications dad has planned to make the stand more efficient and easier to work out of.